V-Ray Advance Course
V-Ray Advance Course is a complite proffesonal course of V-Ray. Course Duration 4 months, 2 Dayes for 2 hours in a Weak.
Syllabus for VRay Advance Course- Getting Ready to Render with V-Ray, Critical V-Ray Concepts, Key Lighting Tools, Global Illumination, The V-Ray Materials, Quality Control with Image Sampling, The Physical Workflow, V-Ray's Effects Tools, Using Render Elements, V-Ray RT, Project Work
Fees - Rs 75.000
Basic Interior Designing Course
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Fees - Rs 90,000
Advance Interior Designing Course
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Fees - Rs 110,000
Professional Interior Designing Course
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Fees- Rs 140,000
V-Ray Advance Course
Fees- Rs 30,000
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Basic Interior Designing Course
Fees- Rs 36,000
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Advance Interior Designing Course
Fees- Rs 44,000
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Professional Interior Designing Course
Fees- Rs 56.000
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